Wanted to thank you again for the amazing, beautiful, and wonderful job you did pulling together & being present at the July Ceremony, as you built a very safe environment for me to experience the most profound change in my life to date. I haven’t spoken too much about what happened inside me that weekend, it’s too big to put into words, and no matter how I would try to describe or express it, it would fall ever-so-short of the truth of what happened.
My changed self is what has communicated the ceremony to anyone around me. Since that weekend, everything has changed, and remains so. My diet, what I gravitate towards in people, places & things. And (drum roll please?) I have not desired to put ANYTHING in my body that manipulates my natural sense of being… including alcohol!!! I have been living more free than ever, broken free from my bondage under king alcohol.
I have discovered alcohol was the least of it... the least of my issues. My issue was disconnection & feeling “not whole.” Mother ayahuasca reconnected my withered spirit, and pumped my blood full of the same light that lights the whole universe! She showed me I was already whole and brought me to the center of my wholeness. Instead of showing me what food tastes like to a tiger, what the landscape looks like to a tiger, what the river smells like to a tiger, she MADE ME THE TIGER. Can’t “un-know” this ever again. All the therapy, all the support groups, all the amazing professional and loving help I’ve received from so many humans over the last few decades to help me with my trauma, depression, and addiction. She is the vine that wrapped around everything, every detail, pulled it all into a consensus.
I look forward to attending another ceremony someday. Right now I am busy being born again, acclimating to this new life of mind/body/soul sobriety. Every single day I think of you all, and her, and how grateful I am to be alive.